Wednesday, March 18, 2020

CIRA International uncover 2000 year old scandal; Jesus claims divinity?

In answer to the video "Islamic Original Sin Dilemma: Introduction: Are Muslims Born Sinless?"

Jn10:33-36“We are not stoning you for any of these,” replied the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”
This, as anyone familiar with the way the Jews repeatedly tried provoking Jesus to commit blasphemy, was another of their attempt at discrediting his prophethood to them. In Jn8 for instance they create a situation where he would be pushed to transgress the law which he, as an Israelite prophet is supposed to uphold to the letter. But he doesnt, nor does he ever do all throughout his life. In Jn10 they tried discrediting his prophethood through the angle of polytheism, painting him as a false prophet claiming to be God. Note that these words in Jn10:33-36 are the accusers' words, not Jesus' who never said prior that he was God. He said he was one with the Father, that he was acting in His name, that he represented His authority. Jesus answered their false accustation by quoting Jewish scriptures and the usage of the term to their own forefathers as clear proof he was doing nothing wrong
"Jesus answered them "is it not written in your Law 'I have said you are gods'"? 
After demonstrating their double standards, he doesnt continue his reply by justifying himself for supposedly claiming to be God. He instead continues by saying if those who received the word of God are called gods in Jewish scriptures then why consider it blasphemy if he, the one apointed by God, considers himself the SON OF GOD, not God? Son of God is a phrase used throughout their scriptures to mean a servant of God. When Jesus answers,
"Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?"
What he was trying to say was that if the Jews called
"I and my Father are one"
blasphemy then they should call what was written in their law
"Ye are gods"
blasphemy too.

Also when Jesus was before Pilate and they were bringing their accusations against him, they said he was claiming to be the Son of God Jn19:7, not God. When they mocked him on the cross, they mocked him for claiming to be the Son of God/King of Israel. Had they truly understood him to have been claiming to be God all along, they would have never missed that opportunity to mocking him for that Matt27:41-43. This further proves that they were pressing false charges of blasphemy against him, and knowingly.

 The Pharisees knew their scriptures, they knew very well Jesus did nothing wrong to contradict their core teachings, never transgressed the Law. They knew very well that their charges of blasphemy were basless, meaning they were lying to dismiss his claims to prophethood because he, like past prophets sent to them whom they stoned, rejected or killed brought a message that did not fit with their desires.

Another thing worth noting is the usual ignorance of the gentile Greeks who penned the Gospels, when it comes to correctly referencing Jewish scriptures. Jesus' quote isnt from the Law/Torah as he supposedly claims, but from the
Psalms82:6"I said 'you are elohim' and all of you are children of the Most High".
Second, Elohim as is amply used in the HB, is one of God's names, but primarily means a powerful entity like for example angels or judges as in the case above and as clear from the context.

Christian apologists absurdly quote Jn10 as a proof text for the trinity. But if Jesus was truly claiming divinity, then it would totally justify his execution by stoning, according to the law of the Bible which he, allegedly in his pre-incarnate state, revealed to those very Jews attempting to kill him. It would further make those stubborn Jews anything but "children of the devil" or a "race of viper" for rejecting one who, in the trinitarian paradoxical world-view, told them not to follow a path in conflict with that of the prophets.

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