Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Acts17apologetics are no road bandits; Prophet raids caravans?

In answer to the video "Islamicize Me Day 11: Muhammad's Path to Financial Success!"

The believers are never once told to go forth to battle because of war booty and in fact the Quran says that only those who sell this world's material life for the hereafter are worthy of fighting in Allah's way for the defense of the helpless 4:74-5.

Neither is fighting for the propagation of Islam once mentioned in the whole of the Quran. 

Prior to his migration to Medina, when he met with the leaders of Aws and the Khazraj, and that they pledged their loyalty to him they asked: 
“Stipulate whatever conditions you wish to make for your Lord and for yourself.” The Prophet said: “For my Lord, I stipulate that you shall worship Him alone and associate no partners with Him. For myself, I make the condition that you shall protect me as you protect yourselves and your property.” They asked: “What shall we get if we fulfil our pledge?” The Prophet answered: “Paradise.” They said: “It is a profitable deal. We accept no going back and we will never go back on it ourselves".
 All the Prophet’s promised them was the afterlife. Nothing more. Although they did ultimately get rewarded with victory, power, unity of the Arabian tribes, prosperity and much more, all these material gains were collateral, to those who sold this life for the next 
"The person who participates in (Holy battles) in Allah's cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a martyr)". 
The prophet once used war booty as an incentive, but only after the war had ended, which means it had nothing to do with being a motive to go to war. It was meant to help the new Meccan converts to feel that they belong to their adoptive community.

The prophet, in line with his well known selfless generosity forfeited his entire portion of the war acquisitions and urged the remaining believers to show similar empathy towards the less affluent and the weak among their new brethren in faith so that they see the reality of Islam. Most selflessly did so, those most firm in faith, while others initially grumbled but eventually regretted after the prophet emotionally pleaded with them and so they followed suit
"do you feel anxiety for the things of this world, wherewith I have sought to incline these people unto the faith in which you are already established?"
This happened after the victory of Hunayn. The prophet had allowed some non-Muslims of Mecca, which was recently conquered without battle, to voluntarily join the Muslim expedition. These were people in whom the prophet saw an inclination for Islam. At that point it was becoming clearer and clearer to the polytheists and other non Muslims, that Islam was the truth, as prophecied. They began showing more interest into it. They eventually converted, shortly after the battle. On other occasions, including at the battle of Badr when the Muslims were most in need of fighters, the prophet refused the help of non-Muslims
 “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) set out for Badr. When he reached Harrat-ul-Wabara (a place four miles from Medina) a man met him who was known for his valour and courage. The Companions of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) were pleased to see him. He said: I have come so that I may follow you and get a share from the booty. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to him: Do you believe in Allah and His Apostle? He said: No. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Go back, I will not seek help from a Mushrik (polytheist)”.
A superficial and prejudiced reading might argue that financial incentive to establish Islam in the hearts of certain people is akin to bribing them. This couldnt be further from truth. The gesture shows them that Islam, the religion that some had newly adopted actually opens the heart of its adherents to benevolence, solidarity and selflessness. Just as they are now benefitting from Muslim empathy, these new converts will eventually be called to display similar empathy towards the less fortunate. Many among them will readily do so, having grasped the message and philosophy of Islam, and adopted the faith so dearly that material riches would pale in significance to their eyes.

It is important noting that even those from the Medina community that had protested the division of spoils in favor of the new converts, they were more concerned that the prophet's heart had swerved for his Meccan ethnic affinity and became detatched from his Medinan followers. They werent really worried about sharing from their wealth. But when he emotionally convinced them otherwise, that he would never abandon them, they tearfully joined in the contribution.

Another time he used a portion of his own share of the gold acquired in Yemen for similar purposes, not to win over non Muslims but to establish some of them that had already converted, that they might feel considered and supported as full members of their new community. It is to be noted that in the prophetic history, going all the way back to Moses, the HB is replete with examples of promises of worldly blessings in return for obedience, including military victories, conquests and war booty.

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