Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sam Shamoun "Muhammad’s White Devil"

Allah bears witness that what has been revealed to His Prophet has been done 
4:166"with His knowledge, and the angels bear witness too and Allah is sufficient for a witness". 
Merely coming down from the heavens was not sufficient to prove its divine origin. It could have been done through satanic agencies, or could have been polluted with confusing falsehood had God not made all necessary arrangements that no evil spirit could interfere with it. God and the angels commanded to deliver the Quran 2:97,80:11-16 bear witness that the revelation right from the start of its descent, to its reaching down to the prophets and up to its communication and delivery to the people is duly protected and guarded against change and alteration, from whatever source it might come. And God encompasses his messenger and protects him from any evil interference during all these processes 
10:61,72:26-28"He makes a guard to march before him(the messenger) and after him, so that He may know that they(the messengers) have truly delivered the messages of their Lord, and He encompasses what is with them, and He records the number of all things" 19:64"and we(angels of revelation) do not come down but by the command of your Lord; His is whatever is before us and whatever is behind us and whatever is between these". 
All prophets were confronted to the machinations of evil spirits, trying to interfere with their desire to establish the truth. They did so through any means they could, such as by inciting their enemies further against them, propagating falsehood, attempting to make them compromise some of their principles with their enemies'. But God protects His message from corruption and ultimately defeats their falsehood and obstacles, and establishes the Truth instead 6:56,22:51-55,41:26,68:9,10:15,17:73-4. As a side note, one demonic entity, rarely spoken of in the Arabic literature is named al Abyad, meaning white, and in some weak ahadith he is said to be particularily going after the prophets. The prophets however were immune to his suggestions. When he attempted to deceive Muhammad by taking the form of Gibril, the latter came down 
"and put his hand between him and the Prophet and pushed him (al-Abyad) gently. By this, he was thrust away from Mecca and landed in the furthest parts of India." 
Contrast this immunity granted to the true prophets, with the shining light convolutedly appearing to a certain Saul, sworn enemy of Jesus, convincing him to infiltrate the movement of his disciples and alter its foundations. Paul himself exposes his tortured inner self, when he mentions the satanic angel constantly pursuing him 2Cor12. It is no surprise then that he disliked the restrictions of the Law, seeing it as a curse.

As to amulets
"the prophet said: Verily, spells, amulets, and charms are acts of idolatry". 
Even Quran amulets/talismans, although not a prophetic practice, all schools of Islamic thought agree that their only virtue is in reminding one to invoke the sacred words they contain. This further undermines the already dubious report attributed to ibn Ishaq in al-Shifa of Qadi ‘Iyad. It was suggested to the prophet that he might be victim of incantations for an evil eye prior to revelation. It is known that in the beginning, the prophet would be progressively visited in dreams, then when awake so as to be prepared for the coming down of what 59:21"splits mountains asunder". 
When revelation began and he was overwhelmed 
"Khadija asked him: “Shall I send someone to you to make a talisman for you?” He replied, “No, not now". 
The report, besides being absent from the relevant section of Ibn Ishaq’s work (as well as from Ibn Hisham's compilation of his teacher's work), has no chain of narrators. The most that it shows is that those that cared for the prophet proposed a solution they thought would stop the supernatural experiences he was going through, which he actually declined.

Sam Shamoun "Hafs: The Lying, Unreliable Transmitter of the Quran"

The hafs reading is named after Hafs ibn Sulaymaan not because he initiated it or transmitted it, but because he recited best and in a most outstanding way one of the authentic qiraat traced back to the prophet. His qiraa/recitation is the one he learned from Aasim ibn Abi an-Najud, a tabi'ee, meaning the generation that met the prophet's companions but not the prophet himself. Aasim learned his recital from Abu abd al Rahman al Sulami who learned from the Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib. 

Aasim had several students reciters and Hafs was but one of them who excelled most. Although Hafs was rejected as a hadith narrator, a science that is completely unrelated to the art of Quran recitation or capacity to memorize, he was however never questioned in the field of recitation itself, neither by those who deemed him untrustworthy in hadith nor by his fellow students. 

As to the fact that Hafs would borrow books to copy them without returning them, with the only specific case mentionned being a book from his contemporary student colleague Shu'bah, what is important to mention firstly is that only Shu'bah made that claim, which is why no other explicit example of borrowing and not returning exists. Second, it was nothing strange and in fact the norm back then for even powerful narrators to borrow eachothers' books and copy the narrations they contained into their hadith collection. As to not returning Shu'bah's book, this could have been due to many things other than "stealing". Nobody ever accused Hafs in that context of being a book thief!

Further reading answering Sam Shamoun "Hafs: The Lying, Unreliable Transmitter of the Quran"

Sam Shamoun "How Muhammad’s Sunna Trumps the Quran Once Again!"

This article answers Sam Shamoun "How Muhammad’s Sunna Trumps the Quran Once Again!"