Wednesday, March 18, 2020

CIRA International contradict Jesus' teachings: baptize all nations?

In answer to the video "Only Jesus is Sinless According to the Quran | Islamic Original Sin Dilemma"

Matt28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." 
As a side note, before getting into the issue of who Jesus' ministry was directed at, this verse used by trinitarians does not say that the three entities make one God. Baptizing in someone's name doesnt make that person God, in 1Cor10:2 people are baptized in Moses' name. Baptizing in someone's name simply implies; under that person's authority.

Besides it seems the name in itself isnt sufficient to attract the necessary blessings. In Acts19:13-16 we read of "wandering Jews" attempting to exorcize in Jesus' name, to no avail, because the indwelling demons do not know who these exorcists are.

Another major issue is that we see throughout the Greek writings the disciples only baptizing in Jesus' name instead of the trinity formula as per Jesus' alleged instructions in Matt28. See for example Acts 2:38,8:16,10:48,19:5.

Besides this unexplanable disobedience of the disciples, the main reason questionning the authenticity of this verse is the fact Jesus in his lifetime never directed his ministry at gentiles. He repeatedly distanced himself from them by allegoricaly comparing them to animals who cannot be fed before a human is fed, and who were traditionally kept "outside" the house Matt15:22-28,Mk7:27. Those "humans" in the allegory being the children of Israel to who Jesus was sent Matt15:24.

There isnt any instance of Jesus himself going out of his way to preach to a non-Israelite.

After him, his earliest disciples kept the same distance and established themselves in Jerusalem. Paul was immediately recalled to Jerusalem after the disciples learned he was preaching to the gentiles. Paul defended himself of converting Gentiles by saying Jesus appeared to him and told him to do so. Peter, who knew Jesus, tested Paul on whether Jesus appeared to Paul or not and concluded he had. So either Jesus did appear to Paul or Paul was a very good liar, probably motivated by the money he received from the gentiles, and as seen from the inconsistent account of his alleged encounter with Jesus the second option seems more plausible. But that is another issue.

During all the confrontations between the pro-gentiles and the ones against assimilating them, nobody invokes a saying of Jesus on this disputed subject, nobody mentions some of modern Christian exegete's complex web of interconnected deeds and words of Jesus as foreshadowing an extension of his ministry from the Jews first then to the gentiles. These apostles and early followers of Jesus must have surely been clueless and ignorant of Jesus' intricate discourse and hidden intents.

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