In answer to the video "The Quran and the Trinity"
Mk14:62 has no parallel with Dan7's true meaning. It is again a blatant misrepresentation of the HB by the NT authors. While scavenging the HB for proof texts, these authors obscured, inadvertently or not, the fact that Dan7 is a highly symbolic dream that Daniel himself didnt understand until the angel of prophecy interpreted it to him; the one "like" a single man actually stands for multiple people, the nation of Israel, just as the 4 beasts stand for 4 empires.
These 4 empires will rule over the Jews then be defeated. After that, the Jewish nation, implied with the phrase "the holy supreme ones" in the plural Dan7:18, a phrase used throughout the HB for the Jews, see Lev20:7,Ex19:6,Gen49:10etc., will be brought back to center world stage in the messianic era and made to inherit these kingdoms v27. By the way, how does Jesus being God fit the notion of him being given dominion over certain things. Does God increase in dominion? The idea of emptying himself doesnt solve the issue. God gives up some of his dominion?
None of the entities, fantastic beasts or human like, in the dream are literal or are in a literal setting, as is absurdly and inconsistently implied in the Christian reading.
For example although one rabbinic authority, Rashi, opined that kvar enash/one like a man (in the original Aramaic of the text, son of man would be bar enash, not kvar enash), so although Rashi says that this likeness of a man is the king messiah in v13, he did not assert that the associated symbolism of heavenly descent (a metonym for holiness, chosenness and divine commission in the dream) literally applied to the messiah or that it connoted divinity. Dan2 has a similar theme as Dan7.
Another perspective through which Mk14:62 is misused by trinitarians is in their assumption that it denotes JEsus' divinity.
Firstly, son of man doesnt denote divinity at all, as seen from its use throughout the HB, no matter the setting in which it is found. Also, other biblical human figures like Elijah or Enoch were made to ascend to heaven and through the clouds, without becoming gods or having other unrelated passages apply to them just because God is also described as interracting with clouds. It is the case in Isa19 where YHWH rides clouds that transport Him to destination, which is, as a side note a primitive pagan imagery assimilated into Jewish thought and texts. This isnt a strange, or isolated phenomenon.
Their own prophets denounced their tendancy to assimilate into the regional thought systems, throughout their history, even during the time of Jesus and their Helenization.
Second, the rabbis in that passage from Mk14 were pressing Jesus to admit he claimed to be the messiah, in order to have him executed by the Romans for the crime of political destabilization. Claiming to be a divinity was inconsequential to the Romans. When Jesus answered with the affirmative to whether he was the anointed, the son of God, then applied Dan7:13 to himself, which has nothing to do with God but with one like a man, the rabbis were offended and got the answer they needed to send him to be executed
"What further need do we have of witnesses? You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” And they all condemned Him to be deserving of death".Again, claiming divinity does not warrant the death penalty but messianship does. As already shown, a tradition did exist that this kvar enash/like a man was the king messiah, and the rabbis questionning Jesus knew it. They regarded it as blasphemy for whom they despised and saw as a sinner unworthy of the exalted messianic status to claim to be their savior, in addition holy and divinely commissioned as per Dan7:13 as well as drawn close to God and given dominion over his enemies. His enemies were this very temple establishments that were presently prosecuting him. "seated at the right hand of Power" is an allusion to Ps110 where David speaks of the messiah, his adoni, a title used for high ranked humans or angels but never God who is the only One addressed as adonaY
"YHWH says to my adoni: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet".Dan7 is equally abused by other NT authors, such as Ephesians1:20-2 where the scribes insert a phrase in reference to Jesus which is inexistant in Daniel, "highly exalted". Besides the fact that Jesus wasnt highly exalted (his exaltation in heaven is a claim impossible to corroborate) and neither ruled over all peoples and tongues, past or present.
The language of Daniel is typical Jewish eschatology and echoes Isa59 and 60, with the promised exaltation of the Jewish nation in a utopic world where all nations will be at their feet and serving their God only, willingly or not.
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