Friday, May 8, 2020

Islam critiqued remembers a cosy Christmas; Jingle bells of the devil?

In answer to the video "Muhammad, Psychology and Satan"

There are narrations speaking of the effects of revelation, not only on the prophet but on those around him; his camel would sit and sink into the sand, a close companion whose knee happenned to be under that of the prophet almost shattered, among the examples. When he described it at times coming to him "like" the sound of a bell (meaning something similar but not the same) it was to convey to his addressees in terms they could relate to, what he was personally experiencing.

As a side note, the hadith saying the "bell is the musical instrument of the Satan" obviously is speaking of the real, physical thing unlike the similitude the prophet was using in reference to a certain type of revelation.

Further it isnt speaking of bells used at any occasion but for musical purposes that invite devilish, inappropriate behavior. It is well established in classical Arabic, let alone Semitic languages in general as seen from Jesus' calling Peter "satan" in the NT Matt16:23, that when someone or something is associated with the devil, most of the time it is understood as a metaphor for its evil consequences. For example in Medina the Muslims suggested using bells at first to signal the arrival of the time of prayer, showing that bells arent always associated with evil. Eventually someone was designated to vocally call the people to prayer.

As to the short hadith saying those who travel with dogs and bells are shunned by the angels, although it is hard to ascertain the context from which the saying is taken from and to which question/remark/incident the prophet was answering/reacting to, it could be infered that it is speaking of specific cases since, whether in the hadiths or Quran, one finds full and unrestricted permission to use dogs on a hunting trip.

It could therefore be in reference to stealthy war expeditions and military preparations, which the Muslims often undertook and that could be compromised by noisy bells and dogs, hence the angels' (that are repeatedly said to accompany the believers in battle) disapproval. All of the various manifestations of revelation on him were far removed from any sign of neuronal illness, as some malicious critics have recently suggested, since he never lost consciousness or memory during the process.

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