In answer to the video "The Most Violent Quran Verse (Sword Verse)"
After the warmongerers among the Idolaters were dealt with, the sura turned to the hypocrites, plotting and sowing dissension among the Muslims, recognizable through various traits such as sluggishness in rising for prayer, stinginess or reluctancy to take up arms to the point
9:57"If they could find a refuge or cave or a place to enter into, they would certainly have turned thereto, running away in all haste".Refusing to defend the larger community in times of war is the central blame attached to this group throughout the sura, living and benefiting from the selfless sacrifices and martyrdom of others. When they were pointed out they would swear that they are faithful and sincere, fearing for the repercussions of their treacheries and sabotaging efforts of a community in times of war
9:56,95"They will swear to you by Allah when you return to them so that you may turn aside from them; so do turn aside from them; surely they are unclean and their abode is hell; a recompense for what they earned".God tells the prophet to let them be, they are exposed and wont delude or deceive anybody but their own selves.
Together with the idolaters and the hypocrites, the third group exposed and dealt with in the sura tawba were the people of the book. Their persistence in disbelief and uttering of falsehood is forcefully condemned as worthy of divine wrath but never is this attitude given as a reason to fight them. When the prophet arrived at Medina he invited the peaceful Jews of Khaybar to Islam with a letter, which after reminding them of the prophetic history and how he fits in it, does not put any blame on them if they sincerely reject his call
"I adjure you to tell me if you find in that revelation which Allah sent down to You, that you should believe in Muhammad. If you cannot find that in your scripture, no displeasure will fall on you. Guidance will be distinguishable from error, and I invite you to Allah and to His prophet".This call, from which they arent liable in case of rejection after sincerely and objectively considering the prophet's message in light of their own scriptures, was made at a time where they had not yet displayed the machinations, war incitements and enemy alliances they would actively participate in a few years later against the Muslims. Thus, the clear reason given to fight them in that sura tawba is that, now that the climax of the prophetic mission has been reached and the punishement of God has initiated as prophecied, this group that had started hostilities with the aim of uprooting and subjugating the Muslims, did not spare any stratagem to try and reach their obectives, had to be fought, defeated and subjugated in a humiliating fashion. Despite the warnings and the signs unfolding before them they chose to remain in Muslim land without giving up their warmongering 9:29.
For example the Abyssinian Christians werent bothered by the prophet nor his successors because they never showed any hostility towards the Muslims at any point. Also those of Taghlib to the north of Medina or of Najran in Yemen were never fought as they pledged full allegiance to the Muslim state as minorities with their rights and obligations.
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