In answer to the video "43 Scientific Mistakes in the Quran"
The Quran describes the resurrection as part of the system of life and death prevailing in the universe 35:9,22:5-7, a natural and new stage of creation where the laws of the universe (heavens and earth) will be different, necessitating that we be different too 56:61. It will allow the ushering of a new journey of man which will last eternaly. This process of destruction and rebirth will be ignited in due time depending on when God has decreed for the day of resurrection to occur.
In fact the Quran says the process has already started and that there are signs surrounding us 47:18, these include the rise of the Final Prophet, and one may include the fact that the general disintegration of the universe as described in the Quran is a slowly, observable, ongoing phenomenon. Except that on the resurrection it will be accelerated and amplified.
Disbelievers and doubters are quoted as seeing it far away or even improbable, while it is very close, in God's full grasp, and it will come in due time, without hastening nor delay, as decreed by God alone and in a timing know to none other than Him 7:187,16:77,21:109,34:30,41:47,70:6-7,75:34. The Quran does not explicitly state what shall occur of the universe once judgement is delivered, but does infer through verses speaking of its ephemeral nature, as well as its purpose solely meant at leading to the day of accountability, that it will eventually cease functionning. It is a scientific reality, as stated earlier, that the universe will eventually disintegrate.
These cataclysms are meant to describe man's total helplesness on such a day, with nowhere to run or hide
40:16,42:47,75:10-12"Man shall say on that day: Whither to fly to? By no means! there shall be no place of refuge! With your Lord alone shall on that day be the place of rest".After the destruction of all natural protections one would naturally seek in times of danger, even down to the smallest bump behind which one could crawl, and the perfect levelling and smoothing of the earth, the severing of all human ties out of which one could benefit or gain support from in this world, men will come forth all alone. The Quran uses the word 99:6"ashtatan" to convey the idea of total seperation, because it will be the Day where one will be presented in a most obvious and exposed manner. In this world, people may hide their reality and burdens even though God is aware of man's most inner thoughts and most secret deeds. But in the Hereafter man's exposure will be complete with all his thoughts and deeds brought to light.
This reality 19:95,6:94 is meant to emphasizes the total isolation of each person, as a naked creature returning to its Creator, without wealth, family or any other means of safety
"And certainly you have come to Us alone as We created you at first, and you have left behind your backs the things which We gave you".Nothing will remain except the deeds. Nothing, physical or relational will shield us from the punishment, as would have been possible in this world
18:49,99:6"On that day, men will appear alone so that their deeds can be shown to them".The image of helplessness that is drawn is so intense that it speaks elsewhere of no protection from the fire except one's "face" and "bare shin bone" 68:42. To the Arabs, the idea of exposing the shin was associated with direness; desert warriors readied themselves to move fast and hard through the sand in the thick of the fight by lifting the hems of their garments above the shin. These expressions, along with other ones like 69:18"tuaaradun" a word denoting being presented in the same manner as a vendor lays forth his merchandise, but this time without any monetary value, convey the idea of complete exposure and lack of protection
39:24,26:88-9"The day on which property will not avail, nor sons. Except who comes to Allah with a sound heart".Baraz in 14:21 is used in the same sense, to be completely and clearly exposed to scrutiny. Stress is laid on the fact that on that Day, the nurturing, sheltering, protective and guiding entities found at our disposal in the heavens and the earth, will not exist anymore or will function in a manner going entirely against their once sought after features.
The comfortable earth out of which we were fashioned and formed, that has been carrying us on her "shoulders" 67:15, out of which we extracted innumerable bounties, has now become an uncontrolable beast expelling what she was patiently bearing of our remains ever since we came back to her, all the things it contains and which we toiled so hard and even shed blood and corruption to have and control but that now seem insignificant to us in the face of the momentous task at hand, until it is finally tamed and made to speak at the inspiration of her Lord 84:3-5,99:1-5.
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