Monday, March 23, 2020

Who needs sinless prophets, certainly not a Jew or a Christian!

In answer to the video "How Islam Shaped Its Sources"

Contrary to the claim, this is an undisputed tenet of Islam, present throughout the Quran.

Just like the sinlessness of prophets is a pervasive theme in the Quran, internally consistent and theologicaly sound, on the other hand the sinfulness of prophets is equally pervasive in the Bible. The Quran says, throughout their missions, the prophets, including the prophet Muhammad, felt the emotions of anger, mercy, apprehension, sorrow but Allah, by keeping a continuous relationship with them, revealing His word progressively during their prophetic career, comforted them with peace 37:181 increased their supreme character, spiritual awareness, protected them and the revelation from deviation and transgression. Many verses testify to the prophets' moral infaillibility. The prophets are mukhlasin "purified ones" 38:45-48, protected from all perspectives 72:26-28,22:52-54, guided by Allah 6:84-90,39:36-37,18:17 and no such person can be led astray by any misleading agency. After being chosen and guided the prophets are bestowed with favors from Allah. The Quran praises them for their highest degree of obedience and humility before Allah and draws a clear line of seperation between them as a praiseworthy group deserving to be honored by Allah and those who follow their low desires and go astray 19:58-59,4:69,1:5-7. 

Prophets never went astray in their communication, implementation of the divine will. That is why Allah has unconditionally ordered the believers to obey and fully trust their prophet 3:31-32,4:80,24:52 and this requires tremendous responsibility hence the necessity of moral infaillibility. The divine protection, termed 'ismah in Islamic terminology, is not in contradiction with the prophets' freewill. God has increased their spiritual awareness to such a degree that they distinguish good and evil much easier than an average person. But they are not compelled in their choices 45:18,39:65-66,2:120,20:16.
It is in this sense that Prophets hold a general degree of superiority over all human beings
6:86"..and every one We made to excel (in) the worlds"
and it is only in this sense that they deserve the people's reverence. Here, a great quote by Keith Ward – Professor Oxford
"It seems highly probable that, if there is a God, there will be some such communication of God’s nature and purpose. There will be revelation, or a finite communication of divine truth through a medium of great beauty, wisdom, moral insight and spiritual power. It may be a text or a person, or a text communicated through a person who has an especially close relationship to God. Again, we have to judge as well as we can whether a person has such a close relationship to God. We will examine their lives for moral heroism, inspired wisdom, spiritual peace and joy, a sense of union with the supreme Spirit, and liberation from self. But it is reasonable to think that some humans will have an especially close and intense knowledge and love of God, or that God will take some human lives and unite them closely to the divine in knowledge and love. They will become the channels of divine revelation of what God is and of what God desires and for the world".

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