74:48"the intercession of intercessors shall not avail them".
53:26"And how many an angel is there in the heavens whose intercession does not avail at all except after Allah has given permission to whom He pleases and chooses".
The prophet in fact stated that those who will earn his intercession wont be those that will call upon him, rather
"The luckiest person who will have my intercession on the Day of Resurrection will be the one who said sincerely from the bottom of his heart "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah".
"Allah will gather all the human being of early generations as well as late generation on one plain so that the announcer will be able to make them all-hear his voice and the watcher will be able to see all of them. The sun will come so close to the people that they will suffer such distress and trouble as they will not be able to bear or stand. Then the people will say, 'Don't you see to what state you have reached? Won't you look for someone who can intercede for you with your Lord' Some people will say to some others, 'Go to Adam.' So they will go to Adam and say to him. 'You are the father of mankind; Allah created you with His Own Hand, and breathed into you of His Spirit (meaning the spirit which he created for you); and ordered the angels to prostrate before you; so (please) intercede for us with your Lord. Don't you see in what state we are? Don't you see what condition we have reached?' Adam will say, 'Today my Lord has become angry as He has never become before, nor will ever become thereafter. He forbade me (to eat of the fruit of) the tree, but I disobeyed Him . Myself! Myself! Myself! (I am preoccuied with my own problems). Go to someone else..."
"Jesus will say. 'My Lord has today become angry as He has never become before nor will ever become thereafter. Jesus will not mention any sin, but will say, 'Myself! Myself! Myself! Go to someone else..."
4:41,77:11,22:78,28:75,39:69,7:6-7,5:109"the Day when Allah will assemble the messengers and say, "What was the response you received?" They will say, "We have no knowledge. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen".
20:110,21:26-28"and they do not intercede except for him whom He approves".
In fact the Quran equates the belief in unqualified intercession/mediation with God as a denial of His omniscience and thus showing the sinner the gravity of his assumption
13:33,10:18"And they serve beside Allah what can neither harm them nor profit them, and they say: These are our intercessors with Allah. Say: Do you (presume to) inform Allah of what He knows not in the heavens and the earth? Glory be to Him, and supremely exalted is He above what they set up (with Him)".
That authority of intercession is thus granted by Allah on behalf of certain people only; those who did their best to deserve it and who have a deeply ingrained faith which they accepted in full consciousness
2:255,19:85-87,21:28,6:15,43:86"except one who testifies to the truth while they know".
"every soul shall come, pleading for itself"
28:70,18:26"He does not make any one His associate in His Judgment".
"and then I will intercede and He will put a limit for me (to intercede for a certain type of people). I will take them out and let them enter Paradise".
It is thus clear that in the Quran, intercession honors the one on whose behalf it is made. But it is even more honoring to the one actually making the intercession. This is due to the high level of restriction on that Day, with very little occasions to speak except as allowed by God.
13:14"To Him (alone) is the call of Truth; and those to whom they call, besides Him, will answer them nothing, but like one who stretches his two hands towards the water so that it may reach his mouth, while it does not reach it. And the prayer of disbelievers is only in error".
11:61"surely my Lord is Nigh, Answering"
27:62,40:60,42:26,37:75,50:16,2:186"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way".
"i am near".
He isnt unapproachable like the tyrants and arrogant leaders of this world, nor is He far away and detached from His servants' realities.
Throughout the Quran, the prophets never told their people to ask them to intercede on their behalf and instead consistently urged them to mend their ways, turn directly to Allah and ask His forgiveness by themselves
11:52,61,89-90,27:46,41:6,71:10,2:199"Then hasten on from the Place from which the people hasten on and ask the forgiveness of Allah; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful"
13:6"most surely your Lord is the Lord of forgiveness to people, notwithstanding their injustice"
3:159"Thus it is due to mercy from Allah that you deal with them gently, and had you been rough, hard hearted, they would certainly have dispersed from around you; pardon them therefore and ask pardon for them"
60:4,9:114"And Ibrahim asking forgiveness for his sire....most surely Ibrahim was very tender-hearted forbearing".
"And make yourself submissively gentle to them with compassion, and say: O my Lord! have compassion on them, as they brought me up (when I was) little".
In 4:64 it speaks of the hypocrites who caused great harm to the prophet and the community in general, saying how God will forgive them should they go to the prophet, then pray by themselves and in addition are joined in their prayers by the prophet. It only commands the hypocrites to go to the prophet (as a peaceful gesture and demonstration of good intentions since their mischief was foremost aimed at him) and to ask God's forgiveness by themselves. It doesnt command them to ask the prophet to intercede on their behalf and neither does it say they wouldnt be forgiven had the prophet not joined them in prayers. In fact it doesnt even command the prophet to pray for them. It simply states what the compassionate prophet will do should they leave their treachery towards him and the community and come to him in sincere repentance, thus proving their resolve in action by abandoning their enmity towards him. This statement is meant at encouraging reform, one is more likely to make a step towards reconciliation knowing that the opposite party will wholeheartedly welcome him. In that case, the prophet will automatically join them in prayers without them having to request it 9:102-3. There is a timeless lesson in regards to Allah's boundless mercy. If even the sinners opposing a prophetic envoy are forgiven should they put an end to their behavior and reform themselves, then what is to say of sinners and those that oppose Allah and His religion outside the prophetic era?
The Quran obviously doesnt forbid this empathy, it doesnt prevent the prophets from being compassionate towards their people, and more particularly their family members, just as it doesnt prevent the prayer of any father on behalf of his child as seen in Jacob's case. His sons had attempted murdering their brother and did not consider themselves worthy of addressing God directly. So they asked their father instead to be their intermediary with God, to plead for their forgiveness 12:97-8. This was their own conjecture and not a command from God. The Quran does not leave any deadlocks, and always opens the way to forgiveness, even to the worst sinners provided they repent in sincerity and reform themselves. Nowhere does the passage state that Jacob's prayer in itself earned his sons forgiveness.
2:186"surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me".
5:34"repent...know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful".
48:11-12"who can control anything for you from Allah if He intends to do you harm or if He intends to do you good; nay, Allah is Aware of what you do".
God makes it thus clear that some transgressors are not deserving of any mercy and forgiveness, despite the compassionate pleas of the prophets and the believers 9:80,9:113-114,63:6 just like God tells Jeremiah in the Bible concerning the most obdurate transgressors among the Israelites Jer7,11:14,14:11. As stated by Ezekiel in his warnings to Israel, the righteousness of the few and their prayers will not deliver the guilty when the time comes Ezek14:20. Noah before him was told to stop praying for the salvation of his own disbelieving son, let alone his transgressing nation as whole 11:37-49.
This means that God's forgiveness really is contingent on the sinner's own sincere repentance and resolve in obedience
9:104"Do these people not know that it is Allah alone Who accepts the repentance of His servants and approves of their propitiatory offerings, and that Allah is indeed Forgiving, Compassionate?".