Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Apostate prophet wonders; what about Jesus and pork meat?

In answer to the video "Islam vs. Pigs"

It took 3 angelic apearances to confirm and justify Paul's abrogation of the mosaic dietary laws and others laws, to Jesus' early disciples. Peter reconsidered his firm stance on abiding by these laws, when he was eventually convinced that abrogating dietary laws like not eating pork would result in Romans being saved from Hell. If Jesus' message was what Paul said it was the entire time, why did it take a vision, reinforced repeatedly, for Peter to do something that Jesus had allegedly already instructed him to do? Sometimes Christians try finding justification for Paul's dietary reforms in Jesus' saying
Mk7:14-19"There is nothing that goes into a person from the outside which can make him ritually unclean. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that makes him unclean...Nothing that goes into a person from outside can really make him unclean, because it does not go into his heart but into his stomach and then goes on out of the body".
If all food is good for consumption regardless of pre meal rituals because it merely enters stomach and not the heart then why are James and Paul himself so concerned about food offered to idols Acts15,1Cor10? Jesus here wasnt denying the law, rather infusing it with a much needed spiritual dimension, as he applied himself to do all throughout his career.

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