Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Apostate prophet wonders; evil pigs?

In answer to the video "Islam vs. Pigs"

Regarding the prohibited foods, they all become lawful when one
6:119,145"is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful".
The permission to eat haram food, including pork, in certain conditions shows that the prohibition isnt linked to the nature or physical properties of these foods. They are neither bad, evil or dirty. Pig meat when used as food is spiritually unclean. The animal itself while alive is never pointed out as causing ritual impurity. 

Even among the scholars, no consensus on the matter exists. It also doesnt prevent using them for many other purposes some of which are currently known and others might be discovered in later times. 

The forbidden foods are subject to a divine command which the humble believer has no problem applying in his everyday life. Because there is a spiritual dimension in these ordinances and a moral benefit inherent to their application. We are obedient to God who tests us through His laws. Countless things are allowed to eat and only one explicitly forbidden. Will we nevertheless contend with, and go after this single prohibition knowing that we have countless other choices? This is how the story of Adam in the garden, his permission to enjoy all sustenance therein except for one, keeps playing out even in our lives and forever will, until the resurrection. 

Besides, not every creature of the animal world has for primary purpose to feed the humans, even though most of creation has been made, as stated in both the Quran and Bible, as subservient to human needs. It is thus foolish to put in question God's act of creation simply from that perspective. Their presence may serve more important functions while alive, and thus for humans indirectly. Even among the animals permissible to eat, the Quran points to the many benefits which can be derived from them while alive, whether functional, emotional or economical. 

The Quran refers in 5:1 to bahimatul anaam as the general group of land animals lawful to eat. The root b-h-m means the four legged animal of the land or sea and n-ain-m means soft and is used in the abstract sense for anything that can be understood as soft. These "soft" animals are predominantly the herbivorous ones, whether domestic or otherwise. It also includes in the list all animals of the bahr/large accumulation of water 5:96. It seems to be silent on the flesh of birds although implicitly allows it 2:57, just as it is silent on insects. Edible fruits and vegetables are all lawful 14:32,16:69,20:53-4,32:27.

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