Thursday, March 19, 2020

Apostate prophet the matchmaker; any romance in the Bible?

In answer to the video "Islam, Interfaith Marriage and Misogyny"

In the Greek Testament writings in 1cor7, a wife has no right over her body but her husband does, which leaves the door wide open to marital rape. Back in the HB itself, a rape victim is sometimes forced to marry her rapist. He may not divorce her at any point, giving him free license to keep on abusing his victim for the rest of her life Deut22. The Quran says that witholding the sexual act intentionally is justified if other things, it is during the menses
2:222"And they ask you about the monthly courses. Say; it is a harm. Keep therefore aloof from women during their courses, and do not approach them until they are cleansed. And when they are cleansed, go in unto them as Allah has commanded you".

Now although that youtuber specifically did not make the claim, before he does jump on the bandwaggon of his co-youtube Islam experts and starts accusing the prophet of having sex with his wives during their menses, i'll address this lie right away. The words here in 2:222 are not general but restricted to sexual contact, and more specifically penetration. This is seen, firstly by the mention of "harm" resulting from that contact and more importantly from the part of the verse that talks about "coming into them" once the menses are over "from where Allah ordered you" (which implicitly forbids anal sex). The words are clear and unambiguous and dont mean that men and women may not or should not approach one another normally, interracting in everyday life as well as sharing the same bed, or even being romantic or erotic during that time, all of which having nothing to do with causing "harm" or "coming into them from where Allah has ordained".

The prophet used to yubaashir his wives during that time, without penetration. Yubaashir is a polite word to describe romantic physical, skin to skin interraction, from the root b-sh-r/skin
"The Prophet used to kiss and embrace/yubaashir while he was fasting, and he had more power to control his desires than any of you" "and then she smiled".
The statement is unambigous and shows that although he used to yubaashir his wives, the prophet still restrained himself sexually. He did not complete the sexual act, something that happens when penetration occurs.

During a woman's periods, the Quran requires the same level of restraint among husbands and wives, but similarly this restraint, as seen from Aisha's words as she was pleasantly remembering her husband, is only limited to sexual penetration. 

Another implication of the statement of "coming into them as Allah commanded" is that it prohibits penetration in an unnatural way 
"Ibn 'Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah said: “Allah will not look at a man who has intercourse with a woman in her back passage". 
Similar reports are numerous. Further, "coming to your tilth however you wish" simply allows all variations of intercourse so long as it is in the natural way, ie "in the place of tilth".

 It is in the HB that general contact with one's wife is forbidden during menses, and actually among the 613 commandements revealed at Sinai, stating a menstruating woman is unclean and defiles others Lev15:17-33. She becomes completely ostracized in basic social activities because not only is she unclean but almost everything she touches or that touches her can transmit ritual impurity, exactly like a leper whose impurity isnt only restricted to him, but his entire house too Lev13:2-49,14:34-46. Similarily to the physically impared and handicapped who arent fit to approach holy sites for offerings to God, as their physical blemishes are a profanity to God's sanctuaries Lev21:16-24.

Christians followers of St Paul, who have arbitrarily, and contrary to Jesus' explicit instructions, absolved themselves from Torah observance, which includes those purity laws, have no restriction at all about mingling, or even sexually interracting with women during their menstrual period.

The pagans of Arabia were divided between those of Medina who adopted some of the Jewish customs, and the others who had no rules in this matter, some even seeking sexual intercourse specifically during this period of a woman's life in the belief that if a woman became pregnant then, the child would be cruel and extremely fond of shedding blood. These were admirable qualities for a man among the Bedouins.

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