Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Sam Shamoun "The Prophets and their bodies: More proof that Muhammad was a false prophet"

The hadith speaks of underground decomposition. Joseph was embalmed then later buried.

Regarding the prophet Muhammad's burial, Ali suggested: 
"Allah, be He exalted, received the soul of His Prophet in the purest of spots; let him, therefore, be buried there." 
They accepted his advice and buried the Prophet in the room where he died. Aws ibn Khawli was the one who lifted the Prophet's body and brought it down in the grave. 

Ali went down into the grave and uncovered the Prophet's face and placed his cheek on the ground, facing the qiblah, and laid him on his right side. He laid grave slabs and covered the tomb with earth. We also learn from the prophetic hadith that the most honorable way for a prophet's body to be disposed of after death, is underground 
"Allah, the Exalted, has prohibited the earth from consuming the bodies of Prophets".

There is nothing far fetched in that statement. Humans themselves since thousands of years and up to our present days, have been able to remarkably well delay the decaying of dead bodies. There are even natural cases where complete decomposition is prevented, depending on the type of soil or temperature.

Surely the followers would be glad knowing that the body of their revered figure is honoured and kept in the best of states underground by Allah. This prevents even the most devout of them from idolizing a dead corpse or its remaining relics, like kings and saints whose bodies were kept above ground, embalmed and continuously maintained so as to prevent the "dishonour" of them rotting and eaten by animals. Instead of having to manipulate the corpse, which in itself reduces from his prestige even in the eyes of the most devout followers, they are encouraged to place the body away from sight. Their focus is thus kept on the message brought by these personalities, instead of the person. This sunna was in line with the prophet Muhammad's refusal to be over exalted in his lifetime. The religion never was about Muhammad, Moses or Jesus as individuals, but in their quality as messengers of Allah first and foremost.  
3:144"And Muhammad is no more than a messenger; the messengers have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels?" 

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