Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Sam Shamoun "Allah Disgraces His “Prophet”" (3)

On a Saturday or Sunday towards the end of Safar the second month of 10/632, the Prophet sensed the coming of his time. He took Ali by the hand, and accompanied by a few of his Companions, went to al-Baqi' the graveyard of Medina and, standing between the graves of his fallen companions, he addressed them and offered them his prayers. 

Gabriel used to review the Quran once a year with him and this special year, he did it twice. 
"I see this as an indication of the coming of my end" 
he said. 

He then returned to his home where he rested from his illness for 3 days till wednesday where he went to the mosque and admonished the people. After that, and to further cement the memorization of the Quran among his people, the prophet summoned Zayd bin Thabit, Ubayy bin Kaab and all three recited to one another. 

On a friday, he sat again on the pulpit reminding them of the essence of Islam 
"O people, there is nothing which can stand between Allah and anyone that could benefit a man or ward off evil from him except good deeds. O people, let no ambitious man claim anything, or one full of desires, desire anything! For by Him Who sent me with the truth, only good deeds coupled with Allah's mercy can lead to salvation. Even I, had I rebelled against Allah, would have fallen". 
His illness persisted for some days, and went on deteriorating until he began losing and regaining consciousness back and forth. Those present around him recognized the seriouslness of his condition while others began arguing among oneanother whether he had started losing his full mental faculties. That observation by some unnamed companions was not based on facts, the prophet was not speaking irrationally or behaving erraticaly. They were speculating upon his health as happens many times among people gathered around a severely ill person to whom they are attached 
"The Prophet replied, ‘Leave me as I am in a better state than what you are asking me to do.’" 
Umar, in his concern during those last moments did not want him to talk too much and exhert himself by having something written. Umar felt the prophet had conveyed all that was necessary for the guidance of the people and he thus did not need to further worry himself in those last, painful moments 
"When Allah’s Apostle was on his death-bed and in the house there were some people among whom was ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab, the Prophet said, “Come, let me write for you a statement after which you will not go astray.” ‘Umar said, “The Prophet is seriously ill and you have the Qur’an; so the Book of Allah is enough for us". 
Following the Book of God includes following the sunnah of the last prophet, as proven from the Book itself. Here Umar is directing his comment to those whom he felt were inappropriately pressing the prophet on his death bed. And in fact the prophet did issue verbatim instructions a few moments later, things which the community was already aware of but which he felt were important to stress again 
"keep well my memory through kindness to my family. Treat with kindness the people of dhimma, and feed the poor. Observe regular prayers, and be kind to the women whom your right hands possess" ‘Turn out all the pagans from the Arabian Peninsula, show respect to all foreign delegates by giving them gifts as I used to do.’. 
He continued to repeat these injunctions until he could endure no longer, and turned his face away from the people. Next morning, he allowed no one to come in to see him because of his grave illness. Ali, however, stayed beside him, not leaving him except for necessary errands. As his head was placed in Ali's lap, he opened his eyes and quoted in a feeble voice to Fatimah his daughter who was crying 
3:144"And Muhammad is no more than a messenger; the messengers have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels?" 

Through 3:144, the believers are therefore told to remember God's guidance by constantly being grateful and remain on the path of truth regardless of any hardship, including a tragedy like the death of their beloved prophet because at the end it is for their own good and disbelief is their loss only 
"And whoever turns back upon his heels, he will by no means do harm to Allah in the least; and Allah will reward the grateful".

The Prophet finally breathed his last, while Ali's hand rested beneath his jaw. The Prophet died two nights before the end of Safar.
Regarding his burrial, Ali suggested: 
"Allah, be He exalted, received the soul of His Prophet in the purest of spots; let him, therefore, be buried there." 
They accepted his advice and buried the Prophet in the room where he died. Aws ibn Khawli was the one who lifted the Prophet's body and brought it down in the grave. Ali went down into the grave and uncovered the Prophet's face and placed his cheek on the ground, facing the qiblah, and laid him on his right side. He laid grave slabs and covered the tomb with earth.

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