In answer to the video "Miraculous Preservation of the Quran: Burying the Myth"
Abu Bakr's collection, as stated earlier was assembled on loose parchments. It was not compiled in book form and reproduced, up to the time of Uthman. It was meant for safekeeping so as to ensure the availability of a complete and approved written testimony to the Quran. Also, AbuBakr's collection was not meant as a standard by which people should refer to in their recital. And so, until the time of Uthman, people kept using their personal codices and ways of recital. Under Abu Bakr' caliphate, Muslim land had not yet expanded beyond the Peninsula, a territory where people were already familiar with the proper reading and recitation of the Quran. However with the rapid expansions to new lands and people under Umar then Uthman, the complete Uthmanic text, properly ordered and rewritten according to the new rasm, was sent to various provinces along with a memorizer to demonstrate the proper reading. Uthman did so under his caliphate upon receipt of the very first report about variant recitations in the provinces.
The differences were dialectical and in the manners of vocalization; and this is what the reporter, Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman, who was sent on a campaign to Azerbaidjan had noticed on his return march. Among the revisionist western scholarship, some have conveniently rejected that account in favor of one stating that the difference noticed by Hudhayfa was one where 2 groups of men recited 2:196 with 1 different word lilbayt instead of lillah. Besides the fact that such typical grasping at a handful of convenient accounts and dismissing the mass of traditional literature that isnt self-serving, the revisionists fail to undermine the Quran's preservation. That account doesnt entail generalized corruption and in fact reinforces the Muslim position. The preservation of the Quran is due to the massive consensus of the community, not on the opinion of a few individuals. This is because humans are prone to error, such as the group of people in the report about 2:196. The error was detected, precisely because there was consensus as to the correct form of the Quran, and a plan to tacle the issue, avoid it taking greater proportions, was put in place the same year.
It is to be noted, recital variations had already been detected and addressed by the previous caliph who had rebuked ibn Masud for accepting to teach in the Hudhail dialect to accomodate some people of Iraq. But by Uthman's time, the variations were more widespread given the expansion of the Muslim empire. Again, this process of proper Quranic education and memorization of the far provinces had already started under Umar the previous caliph who had been entrusted with Abubakr's compilation. Umar sent teachers that established schools in Kufa, Basra, Syria out of which came 100s of students and future teachers would come out from.
The reason that prompted Uthman's Quran project, and Abubakr's before him, is thus very different than having to put a canon together from among conflicting traditions each claiming to be the divine truth. This was the case with Christianity's competing sects like the Marcionites, Ebionites, Gnostics, proto-orthodox (named as such because they were the ones that eventually were adopted by the state) each insisting that they correctly upheld the teachings of Jesus. All were in competition to become the rightful, offically endorsed version.
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