In answer to the video "43 Scientific Mistakes in the Quran"
Inkadarat doesnt mean "to fall", rather to dim and darken. Stars falling on the last Hour is a statement from Jesus in the NT Mk13:25, echoing an earlier prophecy in Isa13:10,34:4 speaking of the destruction of powerful sinful nations, whose hosts will be forcefully brought low in the same manner as the stars of heaven would be dislodged from their stations when the sky is rolled up.
As to the Quran, it gives a quiet dreadful and vivid imagery of the end of days. The sheltering and securing mountains 16:15,81 will be pulverised 56:5-6,69:14,73:14 taking away all hiding places and protection, the earth will be shaken with 2 great convulsions 22:1,56:4,79:6-7,89:21,99:1 taking away its often emphasized comfortable nature of a couch or cradle 2:22,20:53,40:64 reducing its once pleasently adorned landscape into a barren ground 18:7-8. This Day shall "weight heavily" on all of creation 7:187.
And just as the earth, the sky and the universe will be in similar state of tumult, disorder and turbulence 52:9. The sama', which stands for "what is above" will submit to its Creator 84:1-5 and its current order will be disrupted. All laws acting as obstacles preventing the entire universe from being in a constant state of collisions and destructions will be removed, a phenomenon referred to as the openning of the sama'
77:9,78:19"And the heaven shall be opened so that it shall be all openings".The result will be general chaos, with the cosmic bodies giving light and guidance scattering and darkening 77:8,81:1-2,82:2, colliding together and renting asunder 54:1,75:9 etc. down to the smallest lights by which man used to find his way in darkness 81:1,77:8.
The entire sama', again not a word restricted to "sky" but rather "what is above", will burst asunder 82:1,73:18. This includes the atmospheric layer that will be disrupted, taking away its protective nature. Clouds will burst away from the troposphere into the other heavens 25:25 thus reducing this once strong atmospheric protection as nothing but a frail entity allowing cosmic hazards in 69:16.
This may include space debris that would otherwise be stopped by the atmosphere, or deadly solar winds penetrating earth due to the loss of the magnetic field to the massive earthquackes spoken of prior. These are parts of the cataclysms that will destroy the entire universe and the earth prior to the resurrection of them both 14:48,21:104. Once that rebirth process is complete, the Quran gives us a glimpse of what the above/al sama' will look like at one point. It will resemble the intense red hide of the camel 55:37. This is done to strike the audience with a particular image: that of hell lighting up the above brightly on the day of resurrection 81:11-12.
This vivid outburst is described in several places 26:91,81:12,89:23 and will bring hellfire very near to our world 18:100,26:91,79:36 to the point the sama' will appear like the reddish/orange of molten brass 70:8. There will be gates in this new sama' 78:19 that could be compared to blackholes or wormholes connecting different spacio-temporal dimensions, from which entities of the other side will come out 25:25 and execute God's Will 39:75,40:7,69:17. Men will go through these gates and follow their ways; the righteous will enter Heaven through the openned gates of the sky 7:40,39:73 with the angels greeting them at the gates and throughout it 13:23-4,14:23,56:88-91, just as they were greeted and comforted from their earthly death 2:277,16:32,21:103 and throughout the day of judgement 7:46.
The unrepented sinners, criminals and willful disbelievers will enter through other gates leading them to hell, with the keepers awaiting them at the gates 15:43-4,39:71 (The Hebrew bible alludes in Job38:17 to the gates of gehonnim). This is why the Quran refers in 81:11 as the heaven being unveiled/kushitat. This refers to the unveiling of the realities that currently exist around us but are beyond our perception. These hidden realities will manifest fully, such as the angels, hell and heaven, all made evident to those concerned 18:100,26:90-91,50:31,79:36,81:12-13.
The angels for example are realities that cannot be seen in this life which is why whenever angels were sent as messengers, they were made to appear as ordinary humans. Angels will only be seen in their true form in the Hereafter where humans will witness their executions of God's commands 25:22.
These verses are "mutashabihaat". They picture a knowledge that has never happened in human experience
27:65-66,54:6,101:3,82:17-18"And what will make you realize what the day of judgement is? Again, what will make you realize what the day of judgment Is?"The repetition of this rhetorical question, as is done elsewhere 69:1-3,97:2,104:5 is meant to indicate that man's intellect and imagination cannot possibly answer it, since what is described as the Day of Judgment will usher in a reality which as yet is wholly outside our human experience and, therefore, cannot be grasped conceptually. The Quran thus uses allegory that appeals to our innermost emotions, giving us an inkling of what that reality might be, until the event is actually experienced
38:88"It is but a reminder unto all beings, and you shall surely know its tiding, after a while".
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