Monday, March 23, 2020

Apostate prophet is hypothesizes; Muhammad would have murdered them all if he could!

In answer to the video "Did Muhammad Forgive a Hostile Jewish Woman?"

The youtuber asks and struggles, he wants to know what would have the prophet Muhammad done to his opponents if he had full power over them. 

First, the story of the killing of the poetess Asma bint Marwan, although tirelessly picked up and repeated by Islam's critics has no ground to stand on, hence its rejection by the scholars. Here is how this improbable story goes. The killing was supposedly done by night, in her home, by Umayr Ibn Adi who was blind at the time and who in addition was Asma's ex-husband, meaning there could be private personal reasons for her murder. This blind ex-husband was able to go in by night without getting noticed while coming in, killing her and getting out. Besides the unreliable matn/content it is also rejected due to its isnad containing a hadith forger at its source. 

Similarly the alleged killing of some 120year old Jewish man named Abu Afak for his verbal abuse of the prophet, instigating people to war and to kill him personally (al-Zarqani, ibn Kathir), is considered of no basis by hadith scientists. Again, no isnad at all, especially in the particular bit where the prophet allegedly said
"Who would rid me of this pestilent fellow?"
Neither Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Hisham, nor Al-Waqidi or ibn Sad have given the isnad for it.

As to the ex-Muslim Ibn Khatal who had killed a Muslim soldier, and his two singing girls, the account of their killing is only found in ibn Ishaq, with a weak transmission chain, and there are highly reliable ahadith on the prophet forbidding the killing of women, children and elderly. He is for instance described as asking for the community's gathering upon hearing of a slave woman's murder. Apparently the death of a slave woman was important enough so that the prophet Muhammad convened the whole community to deliberate on the case. How is justice brought about when a slave dies after some time following a severe beating from his master Ex21:20-1?
"he assembled the people and said: “I adjure by Allaah the man who did this to stand up.” The blind man stood up and came through the people, trembling, and he came and sat before the Prophet".
Notice the perpetrator's nervousness, knowing that such a behavior has always been disapproved by the prophet. In Islamic law, the victim's family is entitled to request either the execution of the criminal or monetary compensation. 

In this case the slave-woman's family were 2 underaged children and the murderer himself. Neither the minors nor their father were in this case eligible to request compensation and neither would the father's execution by the state constitute a fair decision in relation to the children who would then become orphans. In light of these details and others which the hadith doesnt give fully, the prophet ruled that no blood money will be given in that case, the father will be indirectly paying anyway as he is bound to provide for his children (whom he affectionately referred to as his pearls). The hadith is also unspecific on whether or not a penalty was later imposed on the murderer, and neither does it indicate that killing for verbally abusing the prophet is justifiable in all circumstances.

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