Muhammad was inspired following the same pattern as other known illustrious men before him were, including many unnamed and forgotten ones, whether among the tribes of Israel (Jewish tradition holds that thousands were sent to them) or outside of them
4:163-4"We inspired towards you as We inspired towards Noah and the prophets from after him. And We inspired towards Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the children (of Jacob)/alasbat and Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon. And we brought to David, Psalm. And (We sent) apostles We have mentioned to you before and apostles we have not mentioned to you; and to Musa, Allah addressed His Word, speaking (to him)."Alasbat is derived from the root S-B-T to describe the many long branches of a single tree. It does not mean tribe, rather descendants. That is why the plural asbat is maintained when speaking of the division of the Israelites into 12. Each tribe is composed of many descendants.
In the creeds of Jews and Christians, one must acknowledge the superiority of one prophet above all others. In Islam, one must surrender such prejudice and desires by revering them all equally. The Quran in addition admonishes against the attitude of claiming belief in God but rejecting a particular prophet 4:150. Those who do so simply do not like the message from the God they claim to believe in, it threatens their sinful ways and prevents them from pursuing their evil interests.
Muslims are warned not to fall in the same prejudice and error of the Jews and Christians who each gave such absolute reverence to a particular prophet that they regarded and still do, the acceptance of a new prophet with a different message as a denial of the superiority of their revered figure.
This Islamic principle extends to the angelic messengers. Rejecting the last Revelation does not only result in rejecting their own scriptures. It also entails rejection of Gabriel who has revealed it to the Prophet's heart by Allah's Command, not by his own wish. So they were ultimately disbelieving in God
6:33,2:98"Whoever is the enemy of Gabriel for surely he revealed it to your heart by Allah's Command, verifying that which is before it, and guidance and good news for the believers. Whoever is the enemy of Allah and His angels and His apostles and Gabriel and Michael - so surely Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers".
To reject any messenger, as is here stated concerning Moses against whom the Israelites rebelled 44:19 is equal to rejecting the One that sent him. Similarily, Gabriel is one of Allah's honored servants, just like Michael and others; they have no authority except to follow and obey the Divine Commands. That is why the Quran speaks of the belief in the carriers and transmitters of revelation -angels or human messengers- as an article of faith 2:177,285.
The verse 2:98 exposes another side of the Israelites' rejection. The angel Gabriel in Jewish tradition functions among other things as a deliverer of God’s justice against sinners. References in the Talmud are Bereshit Rabbah 50:2, Sanhedrin 19b. In the HB, in the vision in Ezekiel 10 Gabriel is the one charged with destroying Jerusalem (see Rashi). The passage in Isaiah 63:7-10 is also interesting. Although the angel (see ibn Ezra on the identification of the holy spirit with an angel) that turns out to be Israel's enemy is unnamed, it could be Gabriel. This is based on a holistic understanding of Gabriel's function in Judaism.
The exiled Jews of Arabia saw their situation as a punishment. If what Muhammad recited was true, coming from God and through the angel Gabriel, sometimes addressing them directly, warning the wrongdoers among them, then it implied potential divine punishment to befall them again. Some of them thus chose to deny the message based on the alleged transmitter, God would not send an enemy with a new revelation to them. Whether Islam was true or false, this argument was ludicrous. Angelic messengers, as corroborated in their own books, have no free will and act only according to God's directives. They do not willingly take sides, much less among humans.
Further articles answering Sam Shamoun "The Muhammadan Fraud That Was Ahmed Deedat: Which Bible?"
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