The Anvil of Truth
Here are found, answers to claims circulating among critics of Islam.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Acts17apologetics are no road bandits; Prophet raids caravans?
In answer to the video "Islamicize Me Day 11: Muhammad's Path to Financial Success!" The believers are never once told to...
Acts17apologetics play mad max; Prophet's first military missions?
In answer to the video "Islamicize Me Day 11: Muhammad's Path to Financial Success!" The Prophet's travels and engage...
Acts17apologetics need the supernatural; angelic help to Abrahamic warriors?
In answer to the video "Islamicize Me Day 11: Muhammad's Path to Financial Success!" This pattern described earlier, of p...
Acts17apologetics looks up to Muslim heroes; the warriors of Badr?
In answer to the video "Islamicize Me Day 11: Muhammad's Path to Financial Success!" 2:190"And fight in the way of...
Acts17apologetics investigate a battle; Badr was a caravan raid?
In answer to the video "Islamicize Me Day 11: Muhammad's Path to Financial Success!" The battle of Badr is the most expli...
Islam critiqued seeks Islamic golden rule; Muslim principles towards neighbors?
In answer to the video "Thanks, Muhammad, for the Death Threats" This Quran, and as embodied by the prophet, calls Muslims...
Islam critiqued loves his enemies, especially those that hate him, like Jesus obviously!
In answer to the video "Thanks, Muhammad, for the Death Threats" God did not command Jesus to fight just as He did not comman...
Islam critiqued exposes a false god
In answer to the video "Thanks, Muhammad, for the Death Threats" Nobody other than insecure Christians claim Muslims wors...
Islam critiqued opposes Ali burning apostates
In answer to the video "Thanks, Muhammad, for the Death Threats" Under Uthman's caliphate, a man named Abdullah Ibn Sa...
dontconvertislam is emotional; No mercy to Abdullah Ibn Sad Ibn Abi Sarh?
In answer to the video "Islamic Forgiveness?" As already explained to that youtuber in another video, Abdullah Ibn Sad Ibn Ab...
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