In answer to the video "Islamicize Me Day 11: Muhammad's Path to Financial Success!"
2:190"And fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you, and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits".The war in God's way is expressedly defined as fighting "those that fight with you" while giving precedent to ethical values (spoken of in the following verses and elsewhere) meaning it is completely independant of one's own whims, desires and motives, and this is perfectly depicted with the Quran's narration of the Badr expedition, where the Muslims were commanded to go forth of their homes with the objective of repelling the threat of the marching Meccan army, instead of following the desires of some among them of going after the easier alternative and raid the vulnerable caravans.
The Muslims, who had now proven their trust in the prophet of God, turned their backs to the caravans to engage their enemies instead, were assured that regardless of the might of their enemy, they will be divinely assisted
4:74-75"Therefore let those fight in the way of Allah, who sell this world's life for the hereafter..And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper".And to add to this test of their resolve, the Muslims were located far from the stream of Badr which the Meccans had taken control of. They were camping on sandy ground making it difficult for them to run, while the Meccans had a ground of firm clay under their feet. But Allah's help came to the believers
8:11"(Remember) When He caused calm to fall on you as a security from Him and sent down upon you water from the cloud that He might thereby purify you..and that He might fortify your hearts and steady (your) footsteps thereby".The battle started on the 17th of Ramadan. The Muslims set to meet the Quraysh alliance with 313 fighters, 2 horses and 70 camels. In a vision to the prophet, Allah made the future adversaries of the Muslims look few in numbers because had He shown them as they truly were
8:43"you would certainly have become weak-hearted and you would have disputed about the matter".In that prophetic vision, the prophet saw what would occur at the battlefield, namely the fact that the ill-equiped and outnumbered Muslims will be assisted by angels whose number will be proportionate to the believers' degree of patience and God-consciousness, "pouring down" from Heaven, thousand after thousand in succession/murdifin like an orderly army is sent section after section in waves 3:123-5,8:9.
The number of angels was meant, not to answer a logistical necessity since the verses make it clear that 3:126"there is no victory, save from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise", but to serve 2 purposes. It is also important to keep in mind, before delving into these 2 deeper purposes of sending divine assistance, that whether at Badr or Uhud, no Quranic verse points to those angels as having actively participated in the battlefield.
The first purpose of mentionning the number of angels was to make their promised vast numbers a means of stiring the believers' God-consciousness and spirituality. They are clearly told the degree of divine assistance is directly correlated to their level of God-consciousness as already shown in 3:123-5 and in fact they would later be reminded from the example of the battle of Uhud, that so long as they had shown a spiritually upright attitude God was by their side and the victory was theirs up to the point where they submitted to their greed 3:152. The same idea is reiterated elsewhere, as in 8:65 where they are told (through 2 examples in order to establish it as a general law) how patience and resolve will grant them a power ratio of 10 to 1. Since that ratio is directly correlated to a certain level of patience and resolve, and that they had still not attained that level yet, for the time being their military might is limited at 2 to 1. Due to this weakness, Allah has limited the capacities of their enemies, not letting them exceed too much that of the believers
8:66"For the present Allah has made light your burden, and He knows that there is weakness in you.."This rule regarding divine assistance is demonstrated from their defeat at the battle of Uhud where they had behaved unrighteously and greedily, and from their victory at Badr, where they had been God-conscious, selfless and disregarded any wordly pursuit, and thus became deserving of divine assistance. They were in both cases much inferior in military capabilities than their foes, thus showing that their victory had nothing to do with their own selves, and came from elsewhere
8:9-18"Allah is the weakener of the struggle of the unbelievers".Divine assistance being proportional to faith is again demonstrated in sura baqara where, after God told the Israelite warriors, through their prophet, that He is with the sabireen/the steadfast, the Israelites going to battle with Talut/Saul, requested that God first and foremost fills them with sabr/steadfastness and then grants them victory. Even when Moses set up for the hardest mission, confronting one of the greatest and most powerful kings alive, he only asked for God to
"expand his chest".He was asking God to calm him with confidence, assurance, towards the fact that he will succeed with God's help. Moses is demanding God to increase his faith in Him, because God's help is contingent on strong faith and assurance.
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