When a reading variant is only reported by a few or single individual on any level of the chain, they were termed shaadh/anomalous. If only a taabi'i would report such readings, they would equally be termed shaadh. Jalal al Din al Bulqini classified the reading of the taabi'i Saeed ibn Jubayr as shaadh. That is why we do not find his reading of 18:79-80 for instance in the canon, nor through any other channel. As a side note in regards to this category of qiraat, they are not completely different qiraat, they in fact overlap with the mutawaatir 10 in the vast majority, just as the mutawaatir overlap among eachother except for a tiny number of words.
Further reading answering The Islam Issue "Sayd Bin Jubayr testifies to Quranic corruption"
- Islam Critiqued cannot ask with humility... (variant 24:27)
- Acts17apologetics unearth a disastrous scandal; the devil interfering with the prophets? (ibn Jubayr transmits the story)
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