In answer to the video "Surah 9:29 in Context"
In the eternal struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, Allah allows the darkness of oppression to grow at the expense of the light of freedom, and then causes the light to overcome the darkness
22:61"That is because Allah causes the night to enter into the day and causes the day to enter into the night, and because Allah is Hearing, Seeing".All is done with utlimate wisdom, justice
22:6,62"That is because Allah is the Truth".
8:39,2:193"And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors".The verse and its wider context is speaking of religious persecution. It is the right and duty of every Muslim to defend himself against that persecution causing him fear or preventing him completely from practicing his religion, or even compromising some of it to please the oppressor.
"and all the religion is for Allah"explains why religious persecution must be fought. THE religion should be entirely for Allah. The singular definite article "the" points to Islam only, not all world religions. Islam should be entirely for Allah means there cannot be any forceful compromise between this way (Islam) and any other way or form of worship out of fear. Among the exegetes that interpreted the verse in this manner, is At-Tabari. Even the most zealous proponents of spreading Islam worldwide, understand the verse as removing all impediment making a person fearful to choose Islam or not. In other words, one should be free to access knowledge about Islam and willingly embrace it if he wills. Muslims in particular, should be able to worship freely and without any fear just as the followers of previous revelations had the right to worship safely and without any compulsion.
As said in 22:40, Allah repelled some men by means of others, throughout the ages to keep safe synagogues, churches and cloisters
2:251"And were it not for Allah's repelling some men with others, the earth would certainly be in a state of disorder; but Allah is Gracious to the creatures".The end of the verse 2:193 re-stresses against whom fighting must be exclusively directed at, showing that the aim is not to erase all other forms of worship, but only to stop fitna/religious persecution in an Islamic context
"but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors".(see 10:83,16:110,85:10 for fitna).
If they desist from persecution, the Muslims are at once to stop fighting against them, and hostilities are not to be continued against any except the aggressors. The interpretation that these words mean that fighting is to be continued until all people accept Islam, is therefore belied, not only by the clear wording of the verse, but by the rest of the Quran speaking of peaceful coexistance regardless of faith so long as no hostility is initiated against the Muslims, and also belied by history itself.
For example in 9:4, the Muslims are told to leave the Idolators who do not break their aggreements, do not fight them or incite others. 8:38 further states that
"if they desist, that which is past shall be forgiven to them; and if they return, then what happened to the ancients has already passed".The "desisting" and the "returning" refer to the struggle of the disbelievers against the Muslims. They are urged to stop the fitna lest they be destroyed when their appointed time of respite expires 15:5 like the past nations of vehement rejectors to whom God's messengers were sent
33:60-2"If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease and the agitators in the city do not desist, We shall most certainly set you over them, then they shall not be your neighbors in it but for a little while. Cursed: wherever they are found they shall be seized and murdered, a (horrible) murdering. (Such has been) the course of Allah with respect to those who have gone before; and you shall not find any change in the course of Allah".There is no coercion in religion because truth is made plain through the revelation 2:256,18:29 it becomes self evident against falsehood and thus naturaly prevails over any form of worship that is not the surrender to Allah 3:19,9:33,34:46-47,48:28,61:9. This is according to a universal system established upon Truth, and where falsehood is therefore bound to vanish 15:85,17:81,21:16-8. When the Quran speaks of domination of Islam as a religion over others, it makes such a statement in a prophetic context 48:27-8, without hinting to the disappearance of other belief systems. It only indicates that Islam's superiority as a religion will be established over all others.
The forceful, worldwide, physical dominion of one religion above all others in this life isnt a Quranic concept, but a Biblical one that will occur in the Messianic Age. See Zech14 for example among messianic passages, relating how "utopian" the world will become once all other religions, along with those that keep practicing them despite the warnings, are wiped out and only the Jewish God is worshiped. This is not to mention that among the 613 commandements revealed at Sinai are the genocidal laws still applicable to this day Deut20:16,17,25:19.
The phenomenon of Muslim violent intolerance to others, besides being statistically marginal and scripturally baseless, is a reaction, the indirect but happily approved creation of Judeo-Christian biblically endorsed oppression and destruction of other races and nations, which has been ongoing since the earliest times of both these religions' inceptions. The Judeo-Christian media uses and needs the fringe Muslim lunatics to further justify their policies, instead of giving voice to the truthful and genuine Muslims that constitute the vast majority.
Just because one doesnt see violent images of Christian or Jewish leaders decapitating others, doesnt mean that people, especially Muslims, arent dying in the 100s daily from direct and indirect result of the Judeo-Christian battle to shape world geopolitics in accordance with their ultimate aim, the domination of their system and ushering of their utopian messianic age. There is a reason why Jewish and Christian leaders see in Trump a reincarnation of Cyrus.
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