In answer to the video "Who (Really) Wrote The Quran?"
From the angle of Miracles, we see a consistent pattern; they never force belief in a person. The HB (Deut29,Numb14), NT, and Quran all corraborate this reality. Miracles are subordinate to the moral and spiritual as well as reasonable evidences in the world around and inside man for the existance of God, and the truth brought by specific individuals.
For example the clear signs spoken of in the Quran and displayed on earth do not create belief, they stimulate that already existing belief in the Unseen for the spiritually aware, the God-conscious 10:6, those who have inner certainty 10:5 but are devoid of any spiritual dimension to the spiritually blind. Miracles, in the sense of supernatural occurences, because of their temporary nature, quickly lose their lustre in the eyes of the majority of the audience of a prophet that finds itself asking each time for more, not realizing the tremendous responsibility that goes with such a request.
The history of past nations and prophets, more particularily the Israelites, testifies to this reality. The Quran ushered an era of spiritual awakening through reasoning and observation, making the ones with insight capable of deriving the miraculous and divine presence in all things, regardless of time and space
2:118"Indeed We have made the communications clear for a people who are sure".Only those people can reach the right conclusion from their observation, who are inclined to believe; as for the heedless people, who live like animals and the stubborn people who are resolved not to believe, the existence and the non-existence of the signs is equal. Even when such people do see a miracle, they either find all types of excuses to deny it, or temporarily accept it before reverting to their position.
Again, past nations provide ample example for this phenomenon, among them the Israelites. This is because in reality the presence or absence of miracles was irrelevant to them, since they couldnt even appreciate the daily signs attesting to higher realities around them. What prevented their belief was the message and its implication in their every day lives. A God-conscious, believer in the unseen sees confirmation of a Day of Resurrection in the cycle of life and death around him 43:11.
These kind of verses mentioning the obvious signs around man, almost always contain the same phrases explaining that the spiritual implications of these signs can only be perceived by those who already incline to the Truth, the spiritually aware, believers in the Unseen
3:190-1"in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are signs for men who understand, those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth".
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