The Anvil of Truth
Here are found, answers to claims circulating among critics of Islam.
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Safiyyah was the prophet's twelfth wife. She was originally another Muslim's war captive. The prophet asked the companion to give he...
Juwayriyyah was the eleventh woman whom the Prophet married. She was from the Bani Mustaliq tribe who had been defeated by the Muslims. She ...
Sam Shamoun "Allah and Satan: Who Misleads Whom?"
Sam Shamoun "Allah and Satan: Who Misleads Whom?" The entire Quran is a discourse from Allah alone, transmitted to the prophet Muh...
Friday, December 25, 2020
Sam Shamoun "Muhammad and Wife Beating"
Sam Shamoun "Muhammad and Wife Beating" As unambiguously stated by Aisha "The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upo...
Sam Shamoun "Muhammad and Wife Beating: Postscript"
Sam Shamoun "Muhammad and Wife Beating: Postscript" Umaima Asma al-Jawniyya/Jauniyya was a widow (also described as imra'a mea...
Sam Shamoun "The Quran Confirms: Ishmael Cannot Be the Ancestor of Muhammad!"
Sam Shamoun "The Quran Confirms: Ishmael Cannot Be the Ancestor of Muhammad!" Prophets were successively sent to humanity due to i...
Sam Shamoun "Does the Quran confirm the Bible and the Canonical Gospels?"
Sam Shamoun "Does the Quran confirm the Bible and the Canonical Gospels?" Some say the word injil is what is called in Arabic Taar...
Sam Shamoun "Quranic Permissibility of Women having Sex with their Slaves"
Sam Shamoun "Quranic Permissibility of Women having Sex with their Slaves" Ma malakat aymanukum, simplicitly rendered "concub...
Sam Shamoun "Revisiting the Worship and Prayers of Allah"
Sam Shamoun "Revisiting the Worship and Prayers of Allah" Throughout time, the opponents of the prophets, because of their incapac...
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