The Anvil of Truth
Here are found, answers to claims circulating among critics of Islam.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Sam Shamoun "The Quran and Sunnah In Conflict: Is Every Living Thing From Water?"
Sam Shamoun "The Quran and Sunnah In Conflict: Is Every Living Thing From Water?" When the Quran speaks of the creation of the hum...
Sam Shamoun "Does the Quran Reject Christ’s Eternal Generation? Pt. 1"
Sam Shamoun "Does the Quran Reject Christ’s Eternal Generation? Pt. 1" Warith/to inherit stems from w-r-th. The common denominator...
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Sam Shamoun "Do They Bear Another’s Burdens Or Not?"
Sam Shamoun "Do They Bear Another’s Burdens Or Not?" Manslaughter has several degrees of seriousness depending on the victim, as e...
Sam Shamoun "The Quranic Teaching on Wine and Strong Drink"
Sam Shamoun "The Quranic Teaching on Wine and Strong Drink" In the Quran 2:219 the word used is khamr. It stems from KH-M-R meanin...
Sam Shamoun "Is the Qur’an Written in Pure Arabic?" (2)
Sam Shamoun "Is the Qur’an Written in Pure Arabic?" (2) The shift in verb tenses is among the categories of iltifat (see link at t...
Sam Shamoun "Is the Qur’an Written in Pure Arabic?" (1)
Sam Shamoun "Is the Qur’an Written in Pure Arabic?" (1) Before getting into the issue of Arabic as the perfect medium through whic...
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