The Anvil of Truth
Here are found, answers to claims circulating among critics of Islam.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Acts17apologetics introduced to proper context; reason of the paraclete prophecy?
In answer to the video "Zakir Naik Shocks Christians When He Says This!" The persecution and rejection of Jesus by his people...
Acts17apologetics uncover shocking news; paraclete cannot be holyspirit?
In answer to the video "Zakir Naik Shocks Christians When He Says This!" The paraclete predicted to come by Jesus cannot be t...
Acts17apologetics reveal an NT prophecy; Muhammad is the paraclete?
In answer to the video "Zakir Naik Shocks Christians When He Says This!" 61:6"And when Isa son of Maryam said: O child...
Monday, June 22, 2020
Apostate prophet misses little details; prophet unwilling to marry Zaynab?
In answer to the video "The Prophet’s Desire - Muhammad Marries Adopted Son’s Wife" The prophet was at first reluctant to pub...
Apostate prophet complains of human abuse; Quran bans adoption?
In answer to the video "The Prophet’s Desire - Muhammad Marries Adopted Son’s Wife" Another crucial component of that marriag...
Apostate prophet denounces inapropriate Marriage; prophet's union to Zaynab?
In answer to the video "The Prophet’s Desire - Muhammad Marries Adopted Son’s Wife" The eighth wife of the Prophet was Zaynab...
Apostate prophet disappointed with Islamic meteorology; Does Quran mention water cycle?
In answer to the video "Allah Sends Rain DOWN From The Sky" The winds stir/tutheer, move, scatter or gather the clouds/sah...
Apostate prophet looks for the higher cause; Does Allah "send" the rain?
In answer to the video "Allah Sends Rain DOWN From The Sky" Despite the apparent simplicity, again, once one scratches the su...
Apostate prophet gets gory; Islam condones female genital mutilation?
In answer to the video "Female Genital Mutilation: Islamic or Cultural?" Although there are ahadith that depict the prophet ...
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Acts17apologetics find Quran flaw; Semen originates in the ribs?
In answer to the video "Scholarly Ability: Paul vs. Muhammad (PvM 2)" Although revealed in an environement where poetry and o...
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