The Anvil of Truth
Here are found, answers to claims circulating among critics of Islam.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Islam critiqued against the death penalty; Violent sharia?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." YEs the Quran prescribes some harsh punishments, includ...
Islam critiqued fights human exploitation: Did the prophet trade black slaves?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." The prophet did not "trade" in slavery. Under...
Islam critiqued needs orientations; to follow or not the prophets?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." All the prophet's practices and utterances, outside...
Islam critiqued finds more idols; regular righteous Muslims?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." Just as Muhammad was uswa hasana, Ibrahim and the belie...
Islam critiqued follows the prophet's example; humility and forgiveness?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." When a prophet of God, the last human capable of willfu...
Islam critiqued opposes ancient cultures; Breastfeeding adults?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." The critics often make use of particular ahadith relate...
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Islam critiqued questions divine justice; Most women in hell?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." The ratio of 1 man equivalent to 2 women's testimon...
Islam critiqued investigates ancient reports; The prophet hit his wives?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." I wont go into details as regards the passage dealing w...
Islam critiqued rips Bible; sanctionned sexual aggression?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." The Hebrew Bible sanctionned letter for letter by Jesu...
Islam critiqued human rights activist; female war prisonners?
In answer to the video "Muhammad did it. Therefore it is not sinful." 4:23-24 expands on the categories of women that are ill...
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