The Anvil of Truth
Here are found, answers to claims circulating among critics of Islam.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
CIRA international are fired up; Quran does not deny Jesus' crucifixion?
In answer to the video "The Crucifixion 06 - Dilemmas of Denying the Crucifixion, Part 1" The verses 4:157-8 declare that con...
Friday, April 17, 2020
Acts17apologetics casting result; Paul the false prophet?
In answer to the video "Muhammad's Message Insults God; Paul's Doesn't (PvM 25)" On the face of it, finality o...
Acts17apologetics casting studio; What is a false prophet?
In answer to the video "Muhammad's Message Insults God; Paul's Doesn't (PvM 25)" In the HB a false prophet is one...
Acts17apologetics are disillusioned; Jesus was a failure because of Islam?
In answer to the video "Muhammad's Message Insults God; Paul's Doesn't (PvM 25)" Throughout Jesus' ministry A...
Acts17apologetics investigate; why were the romans and Jews after Jesus?
In answer to the video "Muhammad's Message Insults God; Paul's Doesn't (PvM 25)" In light of the aforementionned ...
Acts17apologetics easily deceived; early witnesses to crucifixon?
In answer to the video "Muhammad's Message Insults God; Paul's Doesn't (PvM 25)" The NT shows in Matt26,Jn18 that...
Acts17apologetics wonder; Christians follow only a conjecture?
In answer to the video "Muhammad's Message Insults God; Paul's Doesn't (PvM 25)" 4:157-158 then states that those...
Acts17apologetics accuse Islam; Allah deceived Christians?
In answer to the video "Muhammad's Message Insults God; Paul's Doesn't (PvM 25)" Firstly, It does not say that it...
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