The Anvil of Truth
Here are found, answers to claims circulating among critics of Islam.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Acts17apologetics assault Islam but expose Jesus; Judeo-Christian mysoginy?
In answer to the video "Jordan Peterson Destroys Islam in 15 Seconds" As discussed previously, If what the Quran meant was ...
Acts17apologetics defend women rights; Quran says ratio men/women is 2 to 1?
In answer to the video "Jordan Peterson Destroys Islam in 15 Seconds" The ratio of 1 man equivalent to 2 women's testim...
Friday, April 10, 2020
Apostate prophet denounces Christian abuse; Jesus punishes apostates?
In answer to the video "Top 5 Misconceptions About Islam - Debunked (Merciful Servant)" The capital punishment solely for ren...
Apostate prophet seeks historical proof; Abu Bakr kills apostates?
In answer to the video "Top 5 Misconceptions About Islam - Debunked (Merciful Servant)" The misquoted reports about Abu Bakr...
Apostate prophet is abandonned; seperating with apostates?
In answer to the video "Top 5 Misconceptions About Islam - Debunked (Merciful Servant)" Severing of social ties must be made ...
Apostate prophet searches for his lucky number; how many times can one apostise?
In answer to the video "Top 5 Misconceptions About Islam - Debunked (Merciful Servant)" Also, anyone can leave Islam and come...
Apostate prophet discourages leaving Islam; remain Muslims or die?
In answer to the video "Top 5 Misconceptions About Islam - Debunked (Merciful Servant)" 18:29,2:256"There is no compul...
Apostate prophet tries using hadith; tradition supports stoning the adulterers?
In answer to the video "Top 5 Misconceptions About Islam - Debunked (Merciful Servant)" The Quran does therefore mention the ...
Apostate prophet warns adulters; Islam will stone you
In answer to the video "Top 5 Misconceptions About Islam - Debunked (Merciful Servant)" Per the Quran, the punishment for adu...
Apostate prophet in search for real polygamy; Christian mutliple marriages?
In answer to the video "Top 5 Misconceptions About Islam - Debunked (Merciful Servant)" Mosaic Law made no prohibition on mal...
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