The Anvil of Truth
Here are found, answers to claims circulating among critics of Islam.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Islam critiqued denounces Jesus' genocidal instructions
In answer to the video "Answering Muslims: 1 Samuel 15" In the HB and as corroborated by Jesus in the NT when he said to ab...
dontconvert2islam tries talking hadith, stoning verse?
In answer to the video "Proof the Qur’an is incomplete" This youtuber is trying to draw hasty conclusions again, this time ...
Islam critiqued reveals real shahada
In answer to the video "What is your favorite Shahada???" The Quran and the traditions put great emphasis on the eminence o...
Acts17apologetics go back to basic maths; Echad for more than one?
In answer to the video "Mohammed Hijab Goes to Hebrew School" God in the HB is Echad/one Exod9:7,Eccl4:8. Each of the thing...
Apostate prophet for PETA; the value of animal sacrifice
In answer to the video "The Sacrifice Craziness" Until now and throughout the Muslim world, the courage and trust of Ibrahim ...
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